May 272008

First things first: I’m new at blogging, so you should expect to forgive the occasional faux pas as I learn what the hell I’m doing.

So what am I doing? Well, in short, I’m looking for a place to share parts of myself that I don’t always share. I wouldn’t rule out a rant, or a rave, I hope to share a giggle or a laugh, possibly even a cry if you promise not to tell anyone.

This blog will hopefully fill my desire to have some sort of a journal, combined with the fact that I might have a wee bit of an exhibitionist thrill sharing certain parts of myself here. That being said, it’s my thrill, this is for me and no one else.

So what won’t be here? Well, pictures of me or my friends, for one. It’s not impossible that someone in my real life will find this blog and “out” the parts of me that I hope to share here but don’t share with my professional life, but I’m not going to make it easier then needed. I also won’t be posting where I work, where I shop for groceries, where I live, where I hang out, or anything else that would make it easier then average for a random crazy to hunt me down.

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